The Screen Plane Ultra Macro 3D is an award winning (Cinec special award 2014) macro 3D system, with a single lens design.
The UM-3D rig allows to film extreme macro shots, which cannot be filmed with conventional mirror rig.
To be used with Epic or Alexa Mini cameras
With no mirror box in the way, objects can be placed very close to the front lens, which makes lighting easier.
The System is very compact and can be easily operated and rigged on location.
As the minimum focal length of 30mm is quite short, it is possible to shoot an insect in front of the lens and still having a parallax in infinity of 1 to 1,5%.
Mirror rings with a longer focal length show a huge parallax in far plane and a depth of field which is very shallow.
Two macro rigs are available, both filming thru a single lens. The Y-shaped design, allows to work with longer focal lenses.
The general design is based on an invention by 3D pioneer Guenter Peschke and has been further developed by Screen Plane.
The systems are available for rent and come with a rig tech and/or a stereographer.
View a short anaglyph version of our Ultra Macro 3D reel. Please contact Screen Plane for the full reel or a demo of the system.